Why SEO should be an integral part of smart website design?

Our SEO specialists know very well how important it is to integrate search engine optimisation in the website design process itself instead of optimising it later. In this article, you'll find out why this is so crucial and which problems might occur if you forget about SEO when developing a new site.
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“There could hardly be a better time to bring this creative culinary idea to life.”

Have you ever wanted to order catering services online? Read how we developed an online solution for a famous client that enables you to do just that!
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A step-by-step guide for successfully managing social media profiles

Managing social media profiles isn't easy, but with a few simple tricks and a few handy tools, you can quickly turn it into a piece of cake!
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Project: Team Buildings with a Special Twist

What's the secret behind Optiweb's amazing work culture? Well, one of the reasons definitely lies in our team buildings, which are something truly special. Find out more about events that help our employees strengthen team bonds and thus contribute to better teamwork.
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Reaching Higher Search Engine Positions with a Good User Experience

Do you mostly rely on SEO optimization for higher rankings on search engines? Think again! Read our new blog post and find out why the website's user experience is starting to play a vital role in your search engine positions.
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Let’s Boost Internship – COVID19 Style

We have successfully finished our fifth Let’s Boost internship! What was so interesting about this round? COVID-19 and the quarantine it brought with it, of course, which forced us into having our first digital internship. Find out how our intern Neja experienced it all.
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Case study – how we built an ecommerce website for MASS in only 10 days

What do you do when you're months away from a web shop launch but your client decides to publish the shop over night due to COVID-19 and their closed physical stores? You start working and publish an almost finished and functioning online shop in only 10 days!
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Quarantine: Remote Work Insights and Our Plans for the Future

At Optiweb, remote work was something new for the majority of the team so, after two months of working remotely, we decided to do a survey about our thoughts, feelings and future desires. Are we doing just fine by being apart from one another or are there any problems in motivation and the amount of work that gets done? Find out how we're experiencing this time of self-isolation and what are our next steps.
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eCommerce is the Only Hope for Businesses During the Corona Crisis

The global pandemic of COVID-19 turned the world upside down and, with it, drastically changed our purchase behavior – in physical as well as online stores. Which patterns will stick and which will dramatically change and what is our view of the future of online and physical stores? Read about it in the article.
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6 SEO Tips for Improving Your Website During COVID-19

Looking for additional ways to bring your website as high as possible in Google search results? Then SEO is your answer! This article explains how search engine optimization can help you stabilise your business, attract online attention and win new customers – all that on a limited budget!
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