Entries by optiweb

Optiweb meets Inchoo – visiting role models

Part of our team is off to Croatia to explore Inchoo’s new business offices and to view their work processes. Inchoo are one of the leading experts in the field of Magento ecommerce programming.

Millennials in the workplace – different times, different people, a new set of rules

Many of those belonging to the so-called Millennial generation (aged somewhere between 18 and 34 years) are looking for a job in the workplace, where the emphasis is on intellectual tasks which, due to rapid technological advances, represent a challenge. For some time now, money is no longer the main criterion when choosing one’s employer. It is much more important that the employee feels that his or her contribution to the company is an important part of the company’s success story.

How SEO and CRO go along?

Have you ever wondered how SEO and CRO go along? Wonder no more. Find out how to combine Conversion Rate Optimization and Search Engine Optimization perfectly.